Our Services in Zaliki Hotel Thessaloniki
We offer every service that the modern traveler needs. We live in a world where everyone needs Internet access everywhere. So Zaliki Hotel in Thessaloniki is the ideal choice.
Suming up the services that make the difference in our hotel are
- Free Wi-Fi
- Parking (check details)
- 10 euros in separate
- Free in the special offer "Room and Free Parking"
- Airport Pickup
- 20-25 euros
- Free along with the special offer "Room and Airport pick-up"
Our services could be combined with our special offers in order to enhance your stay in one of the best hotels in Thessaloniki
In order to move around Thessaloniki city we offer you a new, updated and full of the most significant things in the city, Thessaloniki city guide.
Check more for extra details and reviews upon them....
Last but not least, you could read the reviews about Thessaloniki hotel Zaliki by the major tourism portals such as