Explore the area around Thessaloniki - Zaliki Thessaloniki Hotel

Here you can find a list of trips that we organize and you could visit while staying in Hotel Thessaloniki Zaliki.

You could contact us either by e-mail or phone in order to ask whatever you would like to know. 

Zaliki Hotel is located in the centre of Thessaloniki and its rooms will make you feel cozy like home and comfortable as ever.

The quality of our services in Thessaloniki Hotel Zaliki is well-spoken

We offer you free Wi-Fi and private parking; two things very important after a one-day trip and makes us an ideal choice out of the hotels Thessaloniki has to offer.

The locations that are worth visiting, while staying in Zaliki Hotel in Thessaloniki, and we could organize your trip to are the following:



Vergina, the place where the tombs of Greek Macedonian kings were found and are displayed to the public



Meteora, the largest ascetic monastery complex that looks like it suspends in the air

Agion Oros / Mount Athos

agio oros

Agion Oros or Mount Athos, which include 20 Orthodox Christian Monasteries run autonomously in the penisula of Chalkidiki



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